

The fact is that not all Canadians obtain their mortgages through Schedule I or Schedule II banks. Non-residents, self-employed Canadians, or those in difficult financial situations may rely on private lenders in order to provide adequate financing for their properties, and we are always happy to work with those lenders to ensure that those transactions run smoothly. 

At Sari Rose Law we also know that private mortgages do not always run smoothly, and we here to help. Naturally, the ideal solution is to have the mortgagor make full payments quickly, and return the mortgage into good standing. Yet when the mortgagor is unable to pay their debts, we are here to help take whatever steps are required to protect your interests. 

If the mortgage payments are not being met, Sari Rose Law can help you to take action. We will assist you in issuing a Power of Sale procedure, notifying the borrowers that you are proceeding to recover your debts and reclaim ownership of the property. We will work with you to draft demand letters, file and serve pleadings, prepare motion materials, and take all other steps required to enforce the terms of your mortgage as necessary. 

Taking possession of a mortgaged property is admittedly not an enjoyable process for anyone involved, but at Sari Rose Law we work hard to make the process run as simply and as efficiently as possible so that you can focus on protecting your hard-earned interests.